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My DWfaq

This is where you customize your experience at DWfaq.com. Considering the fact that the web is a malleable medium, we saw no reason to restrict you to one color scheme, or even one font size, so we've made it possible to customize just about every aspect of the site. Some features may require registration (e.g., My Snippets, Submit Snippets, and other site features).Why register?

My DWfaq's Styles

The DWfaq.com Style Changer allows you to choose one of over a dozen different graphical styles for the entire site. As you browse from page to page, if you've chosen the default style (or not chosen a style yet) you'll see each page in that author's style. If you find a style you like, just click the link (the style name) above the navigation bar, or choose "My DWfaq's Style" from the My DWfaq menu to view all style options.

Each author on the site has their own custom style which they have give a unique name. You may find out why they chose that style/name by visiting the About the Authors page.

» My DWfaq's Style

My Font Sizes

Why restrict yourself to changing just the style? Why not change all the font sizes to suit your needs and wants? Feel free to change heading sizes, body text or make that small print just a little larger. A word of warning though, if you make everything 30 inches tall, you might have a hard time finding those links, so make sure to preview, and if things get crazy, press the "Reset All Sizes" button in the Font Size Changer window.

» My Font Sizes

My Profile

Registration is required to use this section. Your My Profile page contains all the information you've provided to DWfaq.com when you registered. You may edit your profile and change your password in this section.

In order to Submit a Snippet, accurate and current registration is required. Be sure to read our Legal Notice, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer & Notice for detailed explanation of our policies and practices. Your personal information will never be shared with any outside parties.

» My Profile


Our old newsletter subscriptions are completely separate from the rest of your DWfaq.com profile. This means you can sign up for newsletters without registering. Newsletters are available in both HTML and Plain Text format. This will soon be connected to your profile for easier management.

» Newsletter

::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 04:36::

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