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DreamweaverFAQ.com » Tutorials » Extensions » Making A Simple, Useful Extension

The Making of a Simple, but Useful Dreamweaver Extension

Creating the .mxi file.

We don't want to create more work for ourselves than necessary, so we'll just modify an existing .mxi file to suit our extension. It only needs a few changes and it will work just fine. Here's what the file looks like in a text editor. You can download the file here.

<macromedia-extension id="" 
name="Name of the extension"
<!-- List the required/compatible products -->
<product name="Dreamweaver" version="4" primary="true" />
</products> <!-- Describe the author -->
<author name="Your name here" />
<!-- Describe the extension --> <description>
<![CDATA[Describe your extension here.]]> </description>
<![CDATA[Click on Advanced Mailto Link icon from the Objects window]]>
</ui-access> <files>
<file name="your_file.html" destination="$dreamweaver/configuration/objects/common" />
<file name="your_file.gif" destination="$dreamweaver/configuration/objects/common" />
<!-- Describe the changes to the configuration -->

The only fields we need to change are the name, version number, Author's name, user instructions, description and file names. Change them in the text editor of your choice. You can download one I've finished here.

::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 03:37::

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