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DreamweaverFAQ.com » Tutorials » JavaScript » Popup Refresh Or Redirect Parent Window

Q. How can I have a link in a popup window target its parent window? or How can I make a popup window redirect the parent window when the popup window is closed?

A. Through the use of some very simple JavaScript you can acheive this easily. See the tutorial below for complete instructions.

Popup Redirect or Refresh Parent Window


Very often web developers ask:

  • "How can I have a link in a popup window target its parent window?" or

  • "How can I make a popup window redirect the parent window when the popup window is closed?"

I'm going to outline a fairly innocuous procedure to do just that! And not to worry, it's really not all that hard. After all, I'm only going to add one simple line of JavaScript to make this work. And stick with me because I've got a present for you somewhere in this tutorial that will make targeting parent windows even easier!

The Basic Premise

  1. Your first page, the "parent" window, has a link that opens the popup window, the "child" window.

  2. Your popup window is opened.

  3. The popup window contains some special navigation links for your user.

  4. After the user selects a link, the parent window will be directed to the appropriate page and the popup window will close.

Are you ready to see how this works? Try It Now!

::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 04:37::

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