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Q. How can I make an image switch to something else when I mouse over a totally different image?

A. You can easily achieve this effect, known as a disjointed rollover, by using the Swap Image Behavior as described below.

How to Make Disjointed Rollovers

System Requirements

This tutorial is shown using Dreamweaver MX, however the same steps are applicable to Dreamweaver 4/UltraDev 4 as well.

The Objective

You have an image in one location on your Web page, and when the user places their pointer over that image you want their action to trigger another image to be swapped with different image. In fact you may want their action to trigger several image changes all at once. It may seem complex at first, but once you've created a disjointed rollover you'll be able to quickly create as many as you like.

The Example & Download

Go ahead and place your pointer over the various tabs below, to see disjointed rollovers at work.


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Note: You should notice that the images do not change when you click on them. This is because this particular tutorial covers disjointed rollovers, and not disjointed onClicks! (I've never heard that term before but I think you get the point.) However, I will offer some suggestions at the end of this tutorial in the Things to Remember section.

If you'd like to practice using the same images as shown above you may download them now. Included in the Zip is a practice file and the completed example shown above.

Note: Step 1 has been done for you already to save you the trouble. You should notice that an intuitive naming standard was established. Naming images—or any other element for that matter—will make your workflow much easier.

The Steps

  1. Select each image on your page and give them each a unique name in the Property inspector. Naming images is not a required step, but it will make creating the behavior much easier as you'll soon see.

    Tip: You needn't name a transparent spacer unless you plan on using it to trigger the rollover events.

  2. Add links to the images that will be triggering events. If the image is not serving as a link to another page, use what is known as a null link: javascript:;

    Steps 1 & 2
    Give unique names to images & assign links to any images that will trigger the behavior.

    Tip: You may also use a text link to trigger a rollover. First make a text link or a null text link. Then with the link selected, follow steps 4 thru 8.

  3. Select the image you wish to trigger the rollover event.

  4. Click the Add (+) button located on the upper left of the Behaviors panel and then select Swap Image from the context menu.

    Step 4
    Click the Add button, then select Swap Image from the context menu.

  5. When the Swap Image dialog window appears, you will see a list of all the images you have named. Notice that the image you have currently selected is highlighted for you by default in this list. Anything unnamed will appear as: unnamed <img>

    Now you know why we went through the trouble of naming everything. Imagine if you'd tried to do this with a bunch of unnamed images? You wouldn't be able to figure out which was which.

    Select the image from the list that you'd like to be replaced on mouseover.

  6. Enter the path or Browse to the replacement image. An asterisk will appear next to each image name in the list that belongs with this Swap Image event.

    Note: If you have typed the path to the image, you will need to click inside the list of images to refresh the list so that the asterisk will appear. Alternatively, the list will refresh by toggling either checkbox in the dialog.

  7. One by one, chose as many images from the list as you like and browse to their respective replacement image. When you are satisfied click OK.

    Steps 5 thru 8
    Select the image name from the list that you wish to change. Browse to the file. An asterisk will appear. Click OK.

    Important: The replacement image should be the same size as the original image or distortion will occur.

  8. I have chosen to Preload the replacement images so that there is minimal delay when the action occurs. Dreamweaver accomplishes my prefernce by placing the swap images (i.e., the ones not being displayed until triggered) in an onLoad event of the body tag.

    I have also chosen to restore the original image when the mouse is not over the trigger any longer. Feel free to set the checkboxes to suit your needs. Click OK when you are satisfied.

  9. You may now preview the work in a browser by pressing the F12 key.

  10. Repeat the above steps 3 through 8 on as many links as needed until you have achieved the desired results. Don't forget to Save your work!

Making Modifications

When the time comes that you need to modify the behavior, it is very simple to do so.

  1. Select the trigger image (or link) in the Document window.

  2. Double-click Swap Image listed in the Behaviors panel. The Swap Image dialog will appear.

    Step 2
    Double-click the Action to view the Behavior's dialog.

  3. Make the changes necessary in the same manner as you did in steps 5 through 8 earlier.

Things to Remember

  • Try to keep your image file size to a minimum. The more disjointed rollovers you have, the longer it will take your page to load—especially if you've chosen to Preload images.

  • You may wish to have the image change when clicked—usually in cases where the user won't be leaving the current page (i.e., navigation in a frameset or when Show/Hide layers is used). To change the event from onMouseOver to onClick, select the event in the Behaviors panel and then click the arrow between the Action and Event. You'll be given a list of events to choose from. For more information about changing Behavior Events, see: http://www.dwfaq.com/go/15614 If you are unable to achieve the desired result with just changing the event, you may find that the Navigation Bar command. Access the Navigation Bar command in the Common category of the Insert bar or by selecting Insert» Interactive Images» Navigation Bar. Alternatively, you may wish to investigate the Set NavBar Image Behavior.

  • You want your user to see the effect! Don't place the disjointed rollover too far away from the trigger. If the effect takes place too far away it may be off screen and hence, unseen by the user.

  • Disjointed rollovers are not limited to navigation bars; they're only limited to your imagination. Have fun, be creative and enjoy using the technique you've learned here.

::This page last modified 8/13/2013 at 03:37::

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