ASP Data Collection Forms
Author: JoJo
Author's Site: Webade
Reference ID: 15623
Tutorial Requirements
Important: To complete this
tutorial you will need to have Dreamweaver 4,
UltraDev 1, UltraDev 4 or better. Unfortunately, Dreamweaver
3 will not allow us to code above the opening <html> tag.
This is a necessity for the use of VBScript, as you will find out
as we progress through the tutorial.
Important: To successfully
complete this tutorial the server you are hosting your site on must
have the ASPMail COM installed and working.
You can get this information from your host or by downloading James
Harris' excellent "Mailer Program Test & ASP Component
Tests" from the following link:
. Full instructions are included within the zip file.
To set James' test pages up it is as easy as unzipping the download
and uploading the page to your site. Simply browse to the uploaded
page via your browser to view the comprehensive results of installed
and not installed COMs. If the ASPMail COM is installed, use the
Mailer Program Test to verify that the COM is working. Often these
COMs are there but that doesn't mean they are installed correctly
or have been set up.
The Objectives
This tutorial assumes you know nothing about ASP data collection forms,
which is probably why you are reading this now!
The aim of this tutorial is to familiarize you with the ASP data collection
form. We will create two pages; the form page for the viewer to add the
data for submission, and the response page that will gather the data and
send it on to its pre-designated destination. Further to this we will
look at how we can arrange the collected data into a legible format by
breaking down the information into sections so our clients can receive
a structured response to the requested information.
The process will involve some simple hand coding (VBScript), but nothing
that you can't cope with!
Getting Started
- First we will open a new page and save it as form.asp
Remember: You must use the .asp extension.

- Open a second new window and save this page as form_response.asp, we
can close this page for now.
Considering the Form Structure
With our form.asp page open in design view we can now begin to build
the form. This example will include two distinct sections so we can look
at breaking the returned data into two areas for easy recognition by the
client. Continually running data line after line can look cumbersome and
be hard to decipher.
In the first section we will gather all the generic data such as first and
last names, company name, contact details etc. In the second section we will
have a look at how we want to collect the data from the viewer, and look
at a couple of different methods of collecting the data.
Inserting the Form
To get access to the forms panel we need to open the Objects Panel, Window» Objects, then click the small
downturned arrow head on the "common" bar of the objects panel.
This will produce the drop menu containing our forms panel, click the
forms option to open the form panel.
With the Forms Panel now open we can select the Insert Form Object as
shown in the image on the right. Click the insert form object and we now
have a form on our form.asp page
Selecting the Form Panel |
Inserting our form |
Structuring the Form
With our form on the page we can now begin to design the forms content
Ensuring that your cursor is inside the form, insert a one row two column
table. I prefer to set cellpadding to 5 to give the form elements some
"air", the width of the table will be governed by your design;
for the purpose of this tutorial I'll use a width of 85% with the cellspacing
and Border attributes set to zero
The image above clearly shows the table inside the red dotted outline
which is how the form is shown in design view. I've given the table
a name (formcontent) to make it easy to find, should we need to
delve into the source code to check anything. The tables alignment
has been set to "Center" in the Align drop list.
Adding the Form Elements
We will begin by adding the text fields title, click inside the
left hand cell and type First Name: then
click inside the right hand cell and from the Forms Panel click
the text field object as shown below

After inserting your text field your formcontent table should
look like the image below.

On the next page we will look at the Property Inspector (The PI).